We can all agree 2020 was a year like no other. With most companies experiencing rapid and unpredictable change, many of our clients have asked us how to approach this year’s customer Christmas message.
How does a business even begin to address everything that’s happened in the last twelve months? We know it’s a lot, and – with that in mind – we’ve put together these handy tips for how to sum-up a year everyone’s keen to forget.
- Be honest. It’s a cliche but it’s true – we’re all in this together. No one escaped the pandemic scot-free – whether in our careers, families, education or travel plans, we were all affected in some way. There’s no hiding it was a tough year for everyone, and your customers won’t expect you to. Without going into the gritty detail, it’s fine to admit this year was a challenging one for your business – pretty much everyone can say the same.
- Be personal. At the best of times, customers love to see the people behind the company. In a year when we’ve all felt more vulnerable, it’s especially good to show the people who make your business what it is. Show your customers exactly who they’re supporting when they choose to take their business to you – it’ll give them the kind of warm and fuzzies that’ll see them stick with you through thick and thin.
- Be grateful. No one *has* to spend their money with you, but they choose to – and that’s an excellent thing. Make sure you thank your customers for their business and loyalty, at a time when you’ve needed it most.
- Be future-focused. This year, and indeed the pandemic itself, can’t last forever (thank goodness!), and you should end by turning your attention to better things to come. We’re all hoping for a better 2021 – one where we once again find our feet and go on to achieve bigger and brighter things. Make sure you articulate that, voice it and invite your customers along for the ride – because hoping for a better year really is something we all agree on.