A couple of weeks back the Sketch Team was reminiscing about the games we played growing up: Memory, Battle Ship, Connect Four, Twister, Monopoly, Mouse Trap, Uno, and of course, Guess Who.
Our interactive theme for May, Guess Who Branding, was inspired by the joyful and beautifully innocent memories we all have of playing iconic games throughout our childhood. Begging a sibling, parent or unsuspecting house visitor to play ‘just one game.’ That moment when we discovered a ‘trick’ that was almost certain to see us take out the champion title (i.e. Connect Four – you have to start first and claim as many of the middle slots possible; Guess Who – ‘does your person have facial hair?’ allowing you to eliminate the moustache AND bearded characters – BOOM!). Those nights when the whole family was playing and you got one up on Mum or Dad. And, the endless scepticism over how the scores were being recorded and tallied. Classic memories indeed!
Designing May’s Space our fabulous Art Director, Carolina Jaramillo, has incorporated vintage style fonts that hint at old times. The big name brands that appear on the Sketch Guess Who board are a contrast to the warm, cursive and shadowed text, but just like the games in our memories, they’re iconic.