Last week our much-loved Art Director attended Sex, Drugs & Helvetica. Not a design conference, a conference for designers!
When reporting back to the Sketch Team about the conference, standout trends and key takeaways, collaboration dominated the discussion.
In almost all of the presentations at the Sex, Drugs & Helvetica conference, agency representatives discussed building relationships with other agencies and collaborating with aligned organisations on projects. Why? Because by collaborating, ‘work gets better.’
This is a powerful notion and in some respects, one that defies how we have looked at the work we produce in the past. Historically we have been protective of our creative thought processes, designs and techniques. The idea of sharing these meant opening up the secret black box for all to see…and steal.
Yet here we are today, agencies, designers, creative people and the not-so creative, working together and embracing the talents, opinions and approaches used by one another to achieve better end-results.
Here at Sketch Corp. this makes us proud to be marketing & design professionals.
Our October Space theme is centred on the idea of collaboration and being open to working with people from different organisations to achieve an optimum result.